Kissing Bugs Bringing Disease To Texas Homes; Chagas Disease Still Greatly Underestimated
Chagas disease, considered now to be endemic to Texas, is still underdiagnosed, and many cases remain untreated.
The kissing bug transmits the parasite that causes Chagas disease through its feces, which can enter the skin when the bug bite is scratched.
Kissing bugs are bringing a disease to many Texas homes - Chagas disease, a neglected tropical disease that has gone under the radar for many years. In the city of Lubbock, five kissing bugs have been spotted in certain residential areas since Friday.
"The whole city needs to be aware of the possibility of this bug being in their home," said Michael Askew, manager director of Bug Tech. He taught city residents to identify the bug but advised them not to touch it. He also told them to catch it with a small plastic bag and to bleach the area where it is found, KBCD reports.